How to Choose a Shipping Container

Choose ContainersWhen your business has to import or to export goods to other countries, or even continents, it can be hard deciding on what kind of container is required, especially if you’ve never done this before. If you plan on doing this on a regular basis, shipping in bulk with the help of containers, knowing how to pick one is a must. The container designed for shipping purposes is basically a large box made from metal, which is designed to carry a variety of products all over the world. You will find these shipping containers in varied shapes and sizes, so it’s up to you to decide which one is a good choice. One of the things which will make you decide on a shipping container or another is the quantity of products which need to be transported, but also the requirements of these products. There are three big options that most companies go with as far as size is concerned. The first one is the 20 ft container, the second one is the 40 ft standard model and the last one is the 40 ft model with a bigger height.

The container with the biggest capacity out of these three models is the 40 ft long model with a bigger height, which is designed to carry objects that are bigger. It’s not a very utilized container though and in the vast majority of the cases you will find the standard height 20 ft or 40 ft models. Unless you only have to ship a small quantity of products, it makes more sense to use 40 ft shipping containers. If you can’t fill one up with the products you want sent, then a 20 ft model is chosen. It’s up to you to calculate exactly how much space you need and to decide on the shipping container model that’s appropriate.